Thursday, April 30, 2020

The "No Friends" Bench

"I miss my friends at England, Ummi,"
"Of course, they weren't really friends because they don't always play with me during break."
 I said to my mother one day after school.
 "So what did you do during break?"
"I sat at the No Friends Bench..." 

  What's that may you ask? I remember during Year One at Red Hall Primary School while I was at England 7 years ago, there was a bench for those who didn't have friends to play with during recess; The "No Friends Bench".

  At the time, the word "friends" to me are people who play with me during break...   I always used to sit there because, well, not all the children wanted to play along with me... It works by making the kids who didn't have any "friends" pair up so that no one is left to be lonely. Even if no one comes, a teacher will eventually find some kids and pair them up.

  It's very different here in Malaysia. Lonely children are left alone like no one even cares. this is the reason for the kids who then becomes teenagers became introverted because they didn't spend much time with people when they were little. This No Friends Bench are  make the children think they are at fault for making the child lonely whereas if applied in Malaysia, the other kids will be like,"Ooh, that kid is all lonely... pity him(obviously being sarcastic). This is EXACTLY what I experienced.

  In my opinion, the teachers at my England school are really caring about the children's needs.(I really respect the teachers in Malaysia that are more focused on the child's mentality and social life rather than their education.) Some teachers say they trying to help the student but sometimes just focus on their education rather than even taking a look at their backgrounds.

  For example, when a student's background is so tragic to the point they are suicidal, they can't be forced to work harder as they need to be handled delicately. My point is, teachers should really focus on giving attention to students on their social life and their mental health. Who knows? You could save a life or two. As for the teachers out there who are already doing that, keep up the good work!

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